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This Country Has the Most Gold

Gold has had a huge impact on world economies and history. Wars have been fought over gold and estimates say only 20% of the world’s gold remains in wait to be mined. Almost half the gold that currently exists above the ground is in the form of jewelry. It’s no surprise that precious metals are of interest to the jewelry experts at Kylar Mack. They created this fascinating showing us which countries have the most precious metal. The calculations are based on how many metric tons of the metal have been extracted in each location.

This Country Has the Most Gold infographic

The College Major Landscape is Shifting

The team at Student Choice decided to collect data on which college majors students are declaring and arranged their results on pie graphs. We can examine the distribution of majors each year from 2016 to 2023. The results show us a lot about how the college major landscape is shifting (and the ways it remains the same.)

The College Major Landscape is Shifting #Infographic

The Expense of Prescription Drugs in America

American prescription drug prices are more expensive than in any other country in the world. 9 in 10 Americans believe that the cost of these drugs is much higher or somewhat higher than fair. The team at NY Requirements made a visual of this dilemma using information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. On the infographic we can see that prices have risen in leaps and bounds.

The Expense of Prescription Drugs in America #Infographic

Improving the Insurance Verification Process

It is important that insurance information is reported as accurately as possible for patients to receive financial support for their expensive treatments. Unfortunately, the current approaches, which include manual, digital, and OCR intake, are not always free of error. These misreports can contribute to the billions of dollars of refused claims per year.

Improving the Insurance Verification Process #Infographic

Identify Police Uniforms By State with This Graphic

State police uniforms are recognizable for a reason, so people can identify an officer on sight. They have standard pieces to their uniform: shirt and tie, striped pants, hat, patch, and badge. What you may not have realized is that each state has their own unique take on the standard uniform. You can spot the similarities and differences on this infographic from the team at Wizards Pins.

Identify Police Uniforms By State with This Graphic #Infographic

The Easiest Way to Keep Yourself Hydrated

For many, the nursing home represents a scary and uncertain time in their lives. Losing family, a home, and a lifestyle can throw your entire daily routine into disarray. Unfortunately, this usually means that things like diet, hydration, and nutrition are often neglected for larger aspects of daily life. This can result in lower cognitive ability, more fatigue, and worsened mood, especially in patients with pre-existing health conditions.

The Easiest Way to Keep Yourself Hydrated #Infographic

How Direct Sourcing Can Boost Your Business

In modern times, job shortages have been crippling companies both big and small. In light of these struggles, over 60% of businesses have adopted the new method of direct sourcing to employee people. Direct sourcing involves identifying potential candidates for a job, engaging them digitally, and cultivating them to ensure they have the skills needed for any vacant positions.

How Direct Sourcing Can Boost Your Business #Infographic

Simplifying the Components Search Process

There can be up to thousands of component parts that make up some of the most common consumer goods we use everyday. For example, a dryer is made up of over 125 parts and cars can exceed over 30,000 individual parts. Engineers are responsible for finding and selecting these parts as they are designing a good.

Simplifying the Components Search Process #Infographic

Where Are You Most Likely to End Up in a Drowsy Driving Accident?

If you drive while drowsy you are not only taking your life into your hands, but you might cause a tragic accident for an innocent person. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has detailed data on the number of traffic fatalities related to drowsy driving and the results paint a stark picture of how serious the consequences can be.

Where Are You Most Likely to End Up in a Drowsy Driving Accident? #Infographic

The Unique Draw of Community Coworking Models

Coworking offices are spaces where several businesses come together under the same roof to work. They’re practical- they save on costs, they save on space, and they let businesses rely on each other. At the same time they’re fractured- employees can struggle to feel a sense of belonging in such a crowded space.

The Unique Draw of Community Coworking Models #Infographic

This U.S. City Has a Drunk Driving Epidemic

We see examples all over the news of accidents that highlight the tragic consequences of drunk driving. To shed light on this critical issue, the MTVLaw team developed a detailed map locating the cities with the highest rates of fatal drunk driving accidents. Odessa, Texas, emerges as the most alarming case. From 2018 to 2022, this city housed 31 fatal drunk driving incidents, an unsettling rate of 27.46 per 100,000 residents. Odessa has such a wide lead that this rate is 32% higher than the next city on the list. In just four days in February 2024, Odessa law enforcement apprehended 20 people for impaired driving.

This U.S. City Has a Drunk Driving Epidemic #Infographic

These National Parks Host the Most Death and Danger

Adventurers worldwide are drawn to the beauty and excitement of the U.S. National Parks. There’s a huge variety of parks across the country featuring the best nature and wilderness the U.S. has to offer.

These National Parks Host the Most Death and Danger #Infographic

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