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Which Countries Have the Largest Penises?

Research indicates that the average penis size when erect is between 5.1 and 5.5 inches, although scientists believe that the typical penis size falls closer to the lower end of the spectrum when accounting for volunteer measuring bias. Does the average length of male genitalia vary around the globe? Data suggests it does indeed!

Which Countries Have the Largest Penises? #Infographic

The Wide World of Video Games

The world of video games is flourishing more than ever- there has never been such a huge number of worldwide players, so much technological advancement in the games, and so much to look forward to for future gaming options. Recently released games have graphics that are nearly indistinguishable from reality, and the improvement of virtual reality will make these types of games the industry standard in the near future. There has also been increased demand for fitness and casino gaming.

The Wide World of Video Games #Infographic

Fixing the Healthcare Insurance Industry with AI

The market for health insurance faces many obstacles. One of their biggest financial challenges is the $71 billion in claims that are rejected each year because of mistakes made while registering patients. A lot of this is due to human error, because it can be difficult to locate the required information such as insurance payer, payerID, and details about claims submission. It is not readily available on insurance cards, which drives the 19.3% error rate on submitted insurance information.

Fixing the Healthcare Insurance Industry with AI #Infographic

Technological advancements that benefited legal practitioners

Legal frameworks and procedures continually evolve to align with the dynamic world we inhabit. These processes naturally adjust to enhance efficiency and productivity, particularly with advancements in technology. The significant technological progress witnessed over the centuries, especially in recent times, has profoundly influenced the practice of law, transcending geographical boundaries and impacting legal systems globally. This infographic shows some of these revolutionary technological changes and the impact they have had on the legal system. These include: 

Technological advancements that benefited legal practitioners #Infographic

What Is My Skin Type?

This infographic serves as a guide to help you identify your skin type, a crucial aspect in skincare. But what exactly do we mean by "skin type"? 

Your skin type refers to the overall condition of your skin, influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. While we can control and safeguard against environmental and lifestyle elements, genetics are inherent and more difficult to change.

What Is My Skin Type? #Infographic

Why Use Subscriptions?

There are lots of reasons subscriptions have been rising in popularity as of late. In the past one may have had a newspaper or delivery subscription. Now subscriptions are vital to how media is consumed. Streaming services, both for music and film, are massive. Even new realms like gaming are moving into the subscription based space, but why? 

At the center of subscriptions is the idea of convenience. This is something many modern products are aimed at, from phones to cars to the internet at large. Yet subscriptions are becoming particularly good at creating convenience. Amazon Prime, Instacart, Doordash, these can provide things as essential as food. While Spotify, Netflix, and Xbox Game Pass provide media instantly and cheaply.

Why Use Subscriptions? #Infographic

The Drug Companies That Make the Most Profit

It is well-known that the pharmaceutical industry makes colossal profits across the globe, hence the ominous nickname of ”Big Pharma”. Worldwide pharmaceutical market revenue reached a jaw-dropping $1.4 trillion in 2022. So which pharmaceutical companies were the most profitable? The most profitable pharmaceutical company in the world in 2022 was Pfizer, which raked in $31.37 billion, or $994.80 per second! A significant portion of these profits likely came from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine as well as Paxlovid, a medication used for the treatment of COVID-19. There are several reasons why big pharma is so profitable.

The Drug Companies That Make the Most Profit #Infographic

Which Countries Are the Most Literate Around the World?

The average literacy rate around the world (which is defined as people age 15 and above that can read and write) is 86.81%. However, this percentage varies greatly in different countries around the world. Some developed countries have a literacy rate of 100%, while other countries have a literacy rate of less than 50%. How do countries around the world stack up?

Which Countries Are the Most Literate Around the World? #Infographic

A Chronicle of Flags: The Longest and Shortest in Use

Flags are more than just pieces of cloth; they represent a nation's identity and values to all, much like family photos do. Denmark's flag dates back to 1625, a very long time. Similar to the great-great-grandpa of flags, its history dates back to when horses were the primary mode of transportation. Then there are the UK, Nepal, and the Netherlands, whose flags are so ancient they resemble old books waving in the breeze.

A Chronicle of Flags: The Longest and Shortest in Use #Infographic

Times of Highest And Lowest Inflation in U.S. History

When discussing U.S. history, the state has had one of the highest and the lowest inflation rates. The inflation rates tell you about the existing condition of the economy. They can fluctuate due to various reasons, such as war, pandemics, and recessions, that can affect the economy overall and lead to a lower purchasing power.

Times of Highest And Lowest Inflation in U.S. History #Infographic

The Rise of People Moving to Florida

The Sunshine State has become a place that entices people to stay rather than to visit. This cannot be attributed simply to 1 factor, but rather the culmination of benefits Florida possesses. These major factors include relatively low housing prices, easier access for first-time homeowners, and an overall lower cost of living compared to major cities like California. Furthermore, the flexibility of remote work and availability of work also makes Florida a reliable place to live comfortably.

The Rise of People Moving to Florida #Infographic

Countries Where Women Make Up Over Half of the Workforce

Who runs the world? Girls! According to BeyoncĂ©, that is, and these stats are here to prove it. The number of women who have joined the workforce has skyrocketed to unprecedented numbers in the modern era. It wasn’t that long ago many women would forgo a career to be a stay-at-home mom and homemaker. Well, times have certainly changed since then as women have gone on to become powerful politicians, CEOs, entrepreneurs, doctors, and so much more. So, which parts of the world have embraced this change with a majority of their current day workforce being female?

Countries Where Women Make Up Over Half of the Workforce #Infographic

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