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Where is Marijuana Illegal in the United States?

Not long ago, marijuana was illegal in all forms across the United States. Slowly, the tides started to shift, and medical marijuana became legal in states across the nation. Now, many states even allow recreational marijuana use and possession. But there are still a few holdouts.

Where is Marijuana Illegal in the United States? #Infographic

Which Region of the World Does the Most Shipping by Sea?

The team at Staten Island Yachts took a fascinating look at the world’s supply chain by ranking ports of call by how many twenty-foot cargo containers they ship every year. The answers illuminate the origins of goods from all over the world. They’ve ranked each port of call on the graph by how many containers they ship and color-coded each location by region.

Which Region of the World Does the Most Shipping by Sea? #Infographic

Countries Analyzed by Number of Sexual Partners

It comes as no surprise that with different cultures and norms come different lifestyles and views, especially in terms of relationships and sexual intimacy.

Countries Analyzed by Number of Sexual Partners #Infographic

30 Ways Play Builds Confidence in Children

“It is not about smart children, it is about happy children who have the confidence and courage to learn and pursue things dear to their heart.” ~ Alexandra Eidens. It is no secret that self-esteem plays a vital role in an individual’s academic, professional, and personal success and satisfaction. As parents, educators, and caregivers, we want to plant the seeds of evergreen confidence starting from a young age. Fortunately, something children naturally do and love has all of the ingredients for healthy self-esteem now and in the future – play!

30 Ways Play Builds Confidence in Children #Infographic

The Best-Selling Children’s Books of All Time

Do you remember your favorite childhood book? From classics like The Adventures of Pinocchio and The Tale of Peter Rabbit to more modern books like the Harry Potter series, children's literature holds a special place in people's hearts. Many parents pass down their favorite books to their own children to enjoy.

The Best-Selling Children’s Books of All Time #Infographic

The Most Visited Websites Every Year Since 1995

When was the internet invented? January 1st, 1983 is considered the Internet’s official birthday. This is when a new communications protocol called Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP) was established. Prior to this, the various computer networks around the world did not have a standardized way to communicate.

The Most Visited Websites Every Year Since 1995 #Infographic

Top 20 Restaurant Cuisines

We all know that the best chef in the world is your mom, there is no disputing that, but have you ever wondered which country produces the most appealing and most popular food?

Top 20 Restaurant Cuisines #Infographic

Discussing The Brands That Mattel Owns

In the study by Playground Equipment, we will tell you about all the brands Mattel owns and outline when Mattel bought those brands.

Discussing The Brands That Mattel Owns #Infographic

What Is Human Trafficking, And What's Happening In The United States

In the United States, human trafficking has become very common. In this study by NY Requirements, let's discuss the U.S. state and the human trafficking issue that continues to become a rising problem.

What Is Human Trafficking, And What's Happening In The United States #Infographic

Securing The Perimeter of Your Premises

When setting up a new business premises, it is essential to secure the perimeter right away. Securing the perimeter of your property is an essential part of keeping your business safe. By taking the time do this properly, you are protecting and safeguarding your property, data, assets and customers from potential trespassers. 

A perimeter will help to protect data and information, which may be the most valuable asset your business has. Moreover, as a business you are legally obliged to protect any data you hold on your customers, vendors etc. If someone were to steal that data you might find your business is unable to continue trading and/or, you might find yourself in a lawsuit for not protecting the information properly. Both of these will have a negative financial impact on your business. 

Having a secure perimeter will also protect your business from vandalism or theft, both of which can be very costly, particularly repeat vandalism which unfortunately is not unusual

Securing The Perimeter of Your Premises #Infographic

The Average Number Of Children Per Family In Different Countries

Did you know that the World Bank has stated that the average number of children per family is 2.3? However, this number varies from country to region. Various factors also play a considerable role, such as cultural preferences, religion, economic status, healthcare facilities, education, age of marriage, and Finance.

The Average Number Of Children Per Family In Different Countries #Infographic

Promising Career Paths: What Occupations Will Thrive?

The convergence of AI advancements and the push for a sustainable future is reshaping job landscapes, causing shifts in various sectors. The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 addresses this transformation, utilizing forecasts from surveyed respondents and ILO labor-market data. It examines not only the absolute job numbers but also the proportional growth in specific fields from 2023 to 2027.

Prominent among the growth sectors is AI and Machine Learning expertise, expected to surge by 40% by 2027, creating a million new jobs. Analytical skills, spanning roles such as business intelligence analysts, information security analysts, and data analysts, are in demand. Sustainability Specialists rank second in job growth.

Promising Career Paths: What Occupations Will Thrive?

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