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These are the Most “Connected” American Cities infographic

Internet access is a normal part of life for most modern people. But as we can see from the team at Ooma, not all connections are equal. Some cities don’t have nearly as many households with Internet connection as others. You can take a deep dive into Ooma’s infographic to see the percentage of households in these cities that have Internet access as well as further details and a full list of cities that made the list.

These are the Most “Connected” American Cities infographic

The Top Companies in Every Industry

Investors and market observers received an illustrated guide from LLC Attorney, highlighting the top-performing companies in different industries for Q3 2024. This comprehensive chart categorizes firms by market gap, offering a clear comparison across sectors for those keen to understand the market landscape.

There are dozens upon dozens of companies listed on this comprehensive infographic. The businesses span a range of industries broken down into eleven sectors. Here are just a few:

The Top Companies in Every Industry infographic

Explore the World’s Oldest Currencies

This infographic from Madison Trust Company gives us a detailed look at the oldest currencies in the world. A nation’s money can give us insight into their most important historical figures, their values, and their cultural customs and symbols. This is on full display in Madison Trust’s infographic. The team listed world currencies still in circulation today based on how old they are.

Explore the World’s Oldest Currencies infographic

These Companies are the Most Powerful in the U.S. infographic

The U.S. is home to some of the world’s most powerful Fortune 500 companies, as demonstrated by this infographic from LLCAttorney showing us the top 10 companies that earned the most revenue every year since 1955. Following the timeline shows us that while some companies have faded from memory, others have true staying power. As of 2024, these were the ten companies that earned the most revenue:

These Companies are the Most Powerful in the U.S. infographic


Where in the World is the Oldest Church? infographic

If you’re wondering where to find the world’s oldest church, this infographic from AAA State of Play will shed some light on the answer. The beautiful graphic features illustrated depictions of the oldest churches in the world and tells us what religion they serve, when they were built, and where in the world you’ll find them.

Where in the World is the Oldest Church? infographic

Mega Yachts and Mega Profits infographic

Step into the world of mega yachts with this stunning infographic from SI Yachts that shows us the stunning amount of revenue the top yacht and boat manufacturers earn per second. We know that yachts are full of luxury features, so what qualifies a yacht as “mega”? A mega yacht is usually over 130 feet long, but beyond that there are no special details that give a yacht “mega” status. Generally, you can recognize a mega yacht on sight because they’re so much larger than a standard yacht and might have extra exterior features like a helicopter pad or a pool.

Mega Yachts and Mega Profits infographic

What The Number of Schools Per State Tells Us About the Status of Public Schools Today

The team at Playground Equipment has created a fascinating map showing us where there are the most and least public schools by state. The ranking gives so much insight into the state of public schools and American education. Take note of the states in the bottom ten with the least number of public schools per student. The bottom ten list is as follows:

What The Number of Schools Per State Tells Us About the Status of Public Schools Today infographic

These States are the Best Destinations for Family Vacations

When families are planning a vacation they’re looking for a few specific factors like, kid-friendly activities, plenty of restaurants, museums, and amusement parks, and a good price for rentals. The team at Florida Rentals decided to consider all these factors to rank every state in the U.S. and determine the top states to take a family vacation in.

These States are the Best Destinations for Family Vacations infographic

Which States are Most Satisfied with Sex Lives?

Every state in the U.S. is unique, right down to the sex lives of the people living there. NapLab took a look at this aspect of state living by surveying people around America and asking them to rate their sex life on a scale of 1 to 10. In this self-reported ranking, the team listed each state from most satisfied to least. The average ranking was surprisingly low at 4.7 with 25 states ranking above a 5 and 25 ranking below a 5.

Which States are Most Satisfied with Sex Lives? infographic

This Country Has the Most Gold

Gold has had a huge impact on world economies and history. Wars have been fought over gold and estimates say only 20% of the world’s gold remains in wait to be mined. Almost half the gold that currently exists above the ground is in the form of jewelry. It’s no surprise that precious metals are of interest to the jewelry experts at Kylar Mack. They created this fascinating showing us which countries have the most precious metal. The calculations are based on how many metric tons of the metal have been extracted in each location.

This Country Has the Most Gold infographic

The U.S. Cities with the Most Spam Callers

Spam callers can be more than just a nuisance. In some instances they can do real harm to their victims by tricking recipients into giving out sensitive information. Scammers are capable of tricking victims out of thousands of dollars. It’s important to recognize spam calls and try to limit exposure to them. That’s why the team at Ooma collected data on which cities receive the most spam call complaints and mapped out the locations. They got their data from the Federal Communications Commission who tries to mitigate spam calls. Their data was adjusted per thousand people to determine which cities have the most spam calls.

The U.S. Cities with the Most Spam Callers infographic

The Worst States to Work from Home

After the Covid-19 pandemic, many Americans discovered the advantages of working from home. Many of them stated that it saved significant time and money. However, the team at Ooma shows us with this infographic that not all states will offer as many work from home advantages as others. That’s why they calculated which states have the lowest rent compared to salary, which states have the best internet speeds, and the lowest electricity bills, and internet fees. They used these factors to create a scoring system for work from home desirability. The state that topped the list was North Dakota followed by its neighbor South Dakota. But which states might not give your work from home endeavors an edge? The low scorers had poor Internet connection, high salaries, and expensive electricity bills.

The Worst States to Work from Home infographic

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