The team at PARequirements looked at an uncomfortable but important aspect of human existence. They gathered mortality data to determine the leading causes of death separated by age demographics.
Among infants, these were the leading causes of death:
- Birth defects
- Short gestation
For people between 1 and 4 years old, these are the leading causes of death:
- Unintentional injury
- Birth defects
- Homicide
This was the leading cause of death for people between 5 and 9 years old:
- Unintentional injury
- Cancer
- Birth defects
For people between the ages of 10 and 14, these were the leading causes of death:
- Unintentional injury
- Suicide
- Cancer
Among people aged 15 to 24, the leading causes were:
- Unintentional injury
- Homicide
- Suicide
For people between 25 and 35 years old:
- Unintentional injury
- Suicide
- Homicide
For ages 35 to 44 years old:
- Unintentional injury
- Heart disease
- Cancer
The leading cause of death for ages 45 to 64 years old:
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- Unintentional injury
And finally, the leading cause of death for people 65 and older is:
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- COVID-19