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Map Displays Income Gaps Across the U.S.

Madison Trust Company created a revealing map showing the U.S. locations with the largest and smallest income gaps. This gap can have a huge impact on living conditions and other factors of daily life, and unfortunately, it’s growing every year. The map is based on research from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Wage inequality can be caused by education access limits, technological changes, tax policies, and wage disparities. This map can help highlight what factors are driving the issues in different areas. Manhattan is the most expensive city in the U.S., so it’s no surprise it also has the highest income gap at a shocking $222,868 or more between the highest and lowest limits. Other cities that made the high-end of the map include, San Francisco, California, Washington, DC, Arlington, Virginia, and Coalville, Utah.

Cities with lower costs of living tend to have smaller income gaps. The city with the smallest income gap is Sarita, Texas, followed by Cuthbert, Georgia.

Map Displays Income Gaps Across the U.S. infographic

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Map Displays Income Gaps Across the U.S. infographic

Map Displays Income Gaps Across the U.S.

Madison Trust Company created a revealing map showing the U.S. locations with the largest and smallest income gaps. This gap can have a huge impact on living conditions and other factors of daily life, and unfortunately, it’s growing every year. The map is based on research from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Wage inequality can be caused by education access limits, technological changes, tax policies, and wage disparities. This map can help highlight what factors are driving the issues in different areas. Manhattan is the most expensive city in the U.S., so it’s no surprise it also has the highest income gap at a shocking $222,868 or more between the highest and lowest limits. Other cities that made the high-end of the map include, San Francisco, California, Washington, DC, Arlington, Virginia, and Coalville, Utah.

Cities with lower costs of living tend to have smaller income gaps. The city with the smallest income gap is Sarita, Texas, followed by Cuthbert, Georgia.

Map Displays Income Gaps Across the U.S. infographic

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