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List of Companies Owned by Apple infographic

It’s a common misconception that Apple was started in Steve Jobs’ parent’s garage. They did eventually expand into the garage, but their first base of operations was actually a bedroom. Don’t believe me? Read the very first paragraph of Owen W. Linzmayer’s 1999 book entitled “Apple Confidential: The Real Story of Apple Computer, Inc.” Regardless of where it truly started, what’s important is where it has gone. So far, it has become one of the biggest companies in the world, and where it’s going is anyone’s guess. I’d venture to guess it will continue to grow by quite a bit before it slows down. 

As of 2024, Apple has purchased over a hundred companies, each averaging over $800 million in value, contributing to the company's current value of almost $3.5 trillion. Yes, that's trillion. With a “t.” When going down a rabbit hole of all the companies Apple owns, I came across this chart from It shows all companies and products that Apple currently owns as well as their top 10 stockholders. I bet Woz and Jobs never thought it would get this big.

List of Companies Owned by Apple infographic

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List of Companies Owned by Apple infographic

List of Companies Owned by Apple infographic

It’s a common misconception that Apple was started in Steve Jobs’ parent’s garage. They did eventually expand into the garage, but their first base of operations was actually a bedroom. Don’t believe me? Read the very first paragraph of Owen W. Linzmayer’s 1999 book entitled “Apple Confidential: The Real Story of Apple Computer, Inc.” Regardless of where it truly started, what’s important is where it has gone. So far, it has become one of the biggest companies in the world, and where it’s going is anyone’s guess. I’d venture to guess it will continue to grow by quite a bit before it slows down. 

As of 2024, Apple has purchased over a hundred companies, each averaging over $800 million in value, contributing to the company's current value of almost $3.5 trillion. Yes, that's trillion. With a “t.” When going down a rabbit hole of all the companies Apple owns, I came across this chart from It shows all companies and products that Apple currently owns as well as their top 10 stockholders. I bet Woz and Jobs never thought it would get this big.

List of Companies Owned by Apple infographic

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