Infographic Ensures You’ll Never Miss a Vital Vaccine - Visualistan -->

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Infographic Ensures You’ll Never Miss a Vital Vaccine

From birth onward, there is a range of vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control to help prevent fatal illnesses and stop the spread of disease. NY Requirements makes it easy to see which vaccines are essential and when to get them with this new infographic. You’ll be able to check which vaccines are due at what age in a single glance. The graphic even indicates whether a vaccine is administered in multiple doses. This easy-to-read chart is a great one to print for your records or bring to the doctor’s office.

The essential vaccines listed include:

  • RSV
  • Hepatitis
  • RV
  • DTAP and Tdap
  • Hib
  • PCV
  • IPV
  • Flu
  • MMR
  • Varicella
  • HPV
  • Meningococcal

Make sure you bookmark or print this graphic, so you never miss a dose. Use it check up on your records with your doctor and make up for any vaccines you might have missed. Vaccines save lives so infographics like this are a major public good.

Infographic Ensures You’ll Never Miss a Vital Vaccine

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Infographic Ensures You’ll Never Miss a Vital Vaccine

Infographic Ensures You’ll Never Miss a Vital Vaccine

From birth onward, there is a range of vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control to help prevent fatal illnesses and stop the spread of disease. NY Requirements makes it easy to see which vaccines are essential and when to get them with this new infographic. You’ll be able to check which vaccines are due at what age in a single glance. The graphic even indicates whether a vaccine is administered in multiple doses. This easy-to-read chart is a great one to print for your records or bring to the doctor’s office.

The essential vaccines listed include:

  • RSV
  • Hepatitis
  • RV
  • DTAP and Tdap
  • Hib
  • PCV
  • IPV
  • Flu
  • MMR
  • Varicella
  • HPV
  • Meningococcal

Make sure you bookmark or print this graphic, so you never miss a dose. Use it check up on your records with your doctor and make up for any vaccines you might have missed. Vaccines save lives so infographics like this are a major public good.

Infographic Ensures You’ll Never Miss a Vital Vaccine

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