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Which States are Most Satisfied with Sex Lives?

Every state in the U.S. is unique, right down to the sex lives of the people living there. NapLab took a look at this aspect of state living by surveying people around America and asking them to rate their sex life on a scale of 1 to 10. In this self-reported ranking, the team listed each state from most satisfied to least. The average ranking was surprisingly low at 4.7 with 25 states ranking above a 5 and 25 ranking below a 5.

Here are the ten states with the highest ratings:

  • Oklahoma
  • Kentucky 
  • Texas 
  • Maine 
  • Iowa 
  • Louisiana 
  • Arkansas 
  • New Hampshire 
  • Georgia 
  • South Dakota
Out of these ten states, only 2 aren’t in the Bible Belt, a fascinating trend. Are residents in these states less conservative than portrayed, more easily satisfied, or the most content people in the bedroom? Study the infographic for more information about sex lives in other states.

Which States are Most Satisfied with Sex Lives? infographic

infographic by: naplab.com

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Which States are Most Satisfied with Sex Lives? infographic

Which States are Most Satisfied with Sex Lives?

Every state in the U.S. is unique, right down to the sex lives of the people living there. NapLab took a look at this aspect of state living by surveying people around America and asking them to rate their sex life on a scale of 1 to 10. In this self-reported ranking, the team listed each state from most satisfied to least. The average ranking was surprisingly low at 4.7 with 25 states ranking above a 5 and 25 ranking below a 5.

Here are the ten states with the highest ratings:

  • Oklahoma
  • Kentucky 
  • Texas 
  • Maine 
  • Iowa 
  • Louisiana 
  • Arkansas 
  • New Hampshire 
  • Georgia 
  • South Dakota
Out of these ten states, only 2 aren’t in the Bible Belt, a fascinating trend. Are residents in these states less conservative than portrayed, more easily satisfied, or the most content people in the bedroom? Study the infographic for more information about sex lives in other states.

Which States are Most Satisfied with Sex Lives? infographic

infographic by: naplab.com

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