Coworking offices are spaces where several businesses come together under the same roof to work. They’re practical- they save on costs, they save on space, and they let businesses rely on each other. At the same time they’re fractured- employees can struggle to feel a sense of belonging in such a crowded space. This is where community coworking models come in. Community coworking takes the typical coworking model and adds an element. Most specifically, community coworking requires the business to organize social events outside of the workplace. These events, things like communal lunches and happy hours, aren’t required. Instead they’re genuine opportunities for employees to connect and form a sense of community.
The Unique Draw of Community Coworking Models #Infographic
Coworking offices are spaces where several businesses come together under the same roof to work. They’re practical- they save on costs, they save on space, and they let businesses rely on each other. At the same time they’re fractured- employees can struggle to feel a sense of belonging in such a crowded space. This is where community coworking models come in. Community coworking takes the typical coworking model and adds an element. Most specifically, community coworking requires the business to organize social events outside of the workplace. These events, things like communal lunches and happy hours, aren’t required. Instead they’re genuine opportunities for employees to connect and form a sense of community.
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