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The Easiest Way to Keep Yourself Hydrated

For many, the nursing home represents a scary and uncertain time in their lives. Losing family, a home, and a lifestyle can throw your entire daily routine into disarray. Unfortunately, this usually means that things like diet, hydration, and nutrition are often neglected for larger aspects of daily life. This can result in lower cognitive ability, more fatigue, and worsened mood, especially in patients with pre-existing health conditions. Medications, particularly antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and anti-diabetics, can deplete fluids while health conditions can deplete key nutrients – both increasing the risk of dehydration. Combine these factors with the lack of body signals for thirst, and you find yourself at risk for dehydration without even knowing it. 

Fortunately, Dript IV Therapy offers a solution that replenishes both nutrients and fluids, ensuring proper hydration in nursing homes. The key nutrients like vitamin C, zinc, and the various forms of vitamin B also ward off infection, heal wounds, and help improve cognition. Regardless of how long you’ve been a nursing home resident, Dript is a great way to keep your hydration in check.

The Easiest Way to Keep Yourself Hydrated

Infographic by: driptiv

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The Easiest Way to Keep Yourself Hydrated #Infographic

The Easiest Way to Keep Yourself Hydrated

For many, the nursing home represents a scary and uncertain time in their lives. Losing family, a home, and a lifestyle can throw your entire daily routine into disarray. Unfortunately, this usually means that things like diet, hydration, and nutrition are often neglected for larger aspects of daily life. This can result in lower cognitive ability, more fatigue, and worsened mood, especially in patients with pre-existing health conditions. Medications, particularly antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and anti-diabetics, can deplete fluids while health conditions can deplete key nutrients – both increasing the risk of dehydration. Combine these factors with the lack of body signals for thirst, and you find yourself at risk for dehydration without even knowing it. 

Fortunately, Dript IV Therapy offers a solution that replenishes both nutrients and fluids, ensuring proper hydration in nursing homes. The key nutrients like vitamin C, zinc, and the various forms of vitamin B also ward off infection, heal wounds, and help improve cognition. Regardless of how long you’ve been a nursing home resident, Dript is a great way to keep your hydration in check.

The Easiest Way to Keep Yourself Hydrated

Infographic by: driptiv

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