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This is What Outdoor Enthusiasts Spend Money On

The team at AAA State of Play celebrated all things outdoor recreation by collecting data on what equipment Americans are investing in. Outdoor activities are more popular than ever with Americans spending a record amount of money on it in 2022. The team’s graphics show us which activities are most popular and what equipment they’re willing to spend the most on. It’s not surprising that Americans spent the most on multi-purpose gear like clothing, protective sprays, water bottles, and waterproof watches. The single activity that came out on top was RVing. This activity also grew the most in popularity between 2017 and 2022, followed by Water Activities, Canoeing, Recreational Flying, and Snowmobiling. In a category of more non-traditional outdoor activities, gardening has grown the most in popularity, but people have spent the most on admission to game areas like golf courses and tennis courts. All in all, Americans are spending more on outdoor activities than ever.

This is What Outdoor Enthusiasts Spend Money On

Infographic by: aaastateofplay

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This is What Outdoor Enthusiasts Spend Money On #Infographic

This is What Outdoor Enthusiasts Spend Money On

The team at AAA State of Play celebrated all things outdoor recreation by collecting data on what equipment Americans are investing in. Outdoor activities are more popular than ever with Americans spending a record amount of money on it in 2022. The team’s graphics show us which activities are most popular and what equipment they’re willing to spend the most on. It’s not surprising that Americans spent the most on multi-purpose gear like clothing, protective sprays, water bottles, and waterproof watches. The single activity that came out on top was RVing. This activity also grew the most in popularity between 2017 and 2022, followed by Water Activities, Canoeing, Recreational Flying, and Snowmobiling. In a category of more non-traditional outdoor activities, gardening has grown the most in popularity, but people have spent the most on admission to game areas like golf courses and tennis courts. All in all, Americans are spending more on outdoor activities than ever.

This is What Outdoor Enthusiasts Spend Money On

Infographic by: aaastateofplay

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