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The Search for Sustainable Water Infrastructure

Water infrastructure is extremely important and has been an integral part of society for thousands of years.  The first water pipes emerged in the Indus River Valley between 4,000 and 3,000 BCE.  Pipes have evolved significantly since then, and their importance has continued to grow. However, despite the changes and advancements to water pipes, there is a water main break every two minutes in the United States.  Finding a sustainable solution is important to greater efficiency and success. 

One specific benefit of sustainable and updated water pipes is their ability to save water.  In fact, the US currently loses 6 billion gallons of treated water per day.  The pipes that we are using today are roughly 75 years old, but were only designed to last 50 years.  Installing new pipes that can last for 150+ years will cut maintenance needs, reduce odor emissions, and prevent catastrophic sinkholes in roads. 

Fiberglass reinforced polymer pipes provide an option for future water pipes.  They can go a long way in reinvigorating water infrastructure, saving water, and starting on the path to a more sustainable future.

The Search for Sustainable Water Infrastructure

Infographic by: hobaspipe

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The Search for Sustainable Water Infrastructure #Infographic

The Search for Sustainable Water Infrastructure

Water infrastructure is extremely important and has been an integral part of society for thousands of years.  The first water pipes emerged in the Indus River Valley between 4,000 and 3,000 BCE.  Pipes have evolved significantly since then, and their importance has continued to grow. However, despite the changes and advancements to water pipes, there is a water main break every two minutes in the United States.  Finding a sustainable solution is important to greater efficiency and success. 

One specific benefit of sustainable and updated water pipes is their ability to save water.  In fact, the US currently loses 6 billion gallons of treated water per day.  The pipes that we are using today are roughly 75 years old, but were only designed to last 50 years.  Installing new pipes that can last for 150+ years will cut maintenance needs, reduce odor emissions, and prevent catastrophic sinkholes in roads. 

Fiberglass reinforced polymer pipes provide an option for future water pipes.  They can go a long way in reinvigorating water infrastructure, saving water, and starting on the path to a more sustainable future.

The Search for Sustainable Water Infrastructure

Infographic by: hobaspipe

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