A New Windows and Meta Collab is Bringing Windows Volumetric Apps to Meta Quest Headsets - Visualistan -->

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Microsoft is working on bringing ‘Windows Volumetric Apps’ to Meta Quest headsets – in other words, extending Windows apps into 3D space.


The company revealed the news at its developer conference, the 2024 Build Event. At Build, Microsoft offers comprehensive sessions for developers as well as professionals that help them build awareness about the company’s tools that support new Windows 11 and Microsoft 365 features. 


The new Meta x Windows collaboration implies that, soon, owners of the Meta Quest headsets could view 3D apps and digital objects via their wearable gadgets and physically interact with these apps and objects using their hands.


Microsoft demonstrated this interactive visualization created by its software partner Creo, showing a digital burst 3D view of an Xbox controller from the perspective of a Meta Quest 3 headset.


A preview is exclusively available for developers who need to sign up for the access to an unnamed “volumetric API."

A New Windows and Meta Collab is Bringing Windows Volumetric Apps to Meta Quest Headsets

Microsoft is working on bringing ‘Windows Volumetric Apps’ to Meta Quest headsets – in other words, extending Windows apps into 3D space.


The company revealed the news at its developer conference, the 2024 Build Event. At Build, Microsoft offers comprehensive sessions for developers as well as professionals that help them build awareness about the company’s tools that support new Windows 11 and Microsoft 365 features. 


The new Meta x Windows collaboration implies that, soon, owners of the Meta Quest headsets could view 3D apps and digital objects via their wearable gadgets and physically interact with these apps and objects using their hands.


Microsoft demonstrated this interactive visualization created by its software partner Creo, showing a digital burst 3D view of an Xbox controller from the perspective of a Meta Quest 3 headset.


A preview is exclusively available for developers who need to sign up for the access to an unnamed “volumetric API."

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