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Overdose Deaths by State #Infographic

The research team at NYRequirements.com have produced a map charting the percentage increase of overdose deaths across the U.S. They gathered their data from the CDC and calculated the increase from 2017 to 2021 per 100,000 people. Their findings are a stark picture of how widespread and rampant this epidemic is. These states have the ten largest increases in overdose deaths: 
  • Mississippi: 132.79% increase in deaths per 100,000 people 
  • Louisiana: 128.16 % increase in deaths per 100,000 people 
  • California: 127.35% increase in deaths per 100,000 people 
  • Oregon: 116.13% increase in deaths per 100,000 people 
  • Tennessee: 112.78% increase in deaths per 100,000 people 
  • South Carolina: 108.78% increase in deaths per 100,000 people 
  • New Mexico: 108.06% increase in deaths per 100,000 people 
  • Kansas: 105.93% increase in deaths per 100,000 people 
  • North Dakota: 86.96% increase in deaths per 100,000 people 
  • Washington: 84.87% increase in deaths per 100,000 people 

Looking at the map, you won’t find many correlations by region, but you will certainly have a strong sense of the severity of America’s drug overdose problem.

Overdose Deaths by State

Infographic by: nyrequirements

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