What Is Human Trafficking, And What's Happening In The United States #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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What Is Human Trafficking, And What's Happening In The United States

In the United States, human trafficking has become very common. In this study by NY Requirements, let's discuss the U.S. state and the human trafficking issue that continues to become a rising problem. Human trafficking is also known as a modern type of slavery in today's world. The United States has seen some of the most cases of human trafficking from 2007 to 2016. Each case that was reported in the U.S. was with evidence. The top U.S. city that has the most number of human trafficking cases is Houston, Texas, with 1021, while the most minor cases of human trafficking are in Henderson, NV, and North Las Vegas, with less than 3 cases. Gilbert, AZ, and Chandler, AZ, also made it to the list. At the same time, there are some cases in which the number of human trafficking has not made it to the record. 

If you see anyone that might be a victim of human trafficking, remember to look for signs and report it to the authorities if you are suspicious.

What Is Human Trafficking, And What's Happening In The United States
Infographic by: nyrequirements

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What Is Human Trafficking, And What's Happening In The United States #Infographic

What Is Human Trafficking, And What's Happening In The United States

In the United States, human trafficking has become very common. In this study by NY Requirements, let's discuss the U.S. state and the human trafficking issue that continues to become a rising problem. Human trafficking is also known as a modern type of slavery in today's world. The United States has seen some of the most cases of human trafficking from 2007 to 2016. Each case that was reported in the U.S. was with evidence. The top U.S. city that has the most number of human trafficking cases is Houston, Texas, with 1021, while the most minor cases of human trafficking are in Henderson, NV, and North Las Vegas, with less than 3 cases. Gilbert, AZ, and Chandler, AZ, also made it to the list. At the same time, there are some cases in which the number of human trafficking has not made it to the record. 

If you see anyone that might be a victim of human trafficking, remember to look for signs and report it to the authorities if you are suspicious.

What Is Human Trafficking, And What's Happening In The United States
Infographic by: nyrequirements

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