Did you know that the World Bank has stated that the average number of children per family is 2.3? However, this number varies from country to region. Various factors also play a considerable role, such as cultural preferences, religion, economic status, healthcare facilities, education, age of marriage, and Finance. In this study by AAA State of Play, we will discuss the number of children per family in various countries and outline why this difference exists. Regarding the birth rate per region, Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest number of children per family, which is 4.6. At the same time, East Asia & Pacific have 1.5 children per family. The highest birth rate is in countries like Niger which have 6.8 children per family, followed by Chad and Somalia, which have 6.3 children per family. All of these countries are located in Africa. The lowest number of children per family is in Hong Kong, South Korea, and Puerto Rico, which is 0.8 children per family. Thus, the birth rate varies for different countries.
Infographic by: aaastateofplay