Securing The Perimeter of Your Premises #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Securing The Perimeter of Your Premises

When setting up a new business premises, it is essential to secure the perimeter right away. Securing the perimeter of your property is an essential part of keeping your business safe. By taking the time do this properly, you are protecting and safeguarding your property, data, assets and customers from potential trespassers. 

A perimeter will help to protect data and information, which may be the most valuable asset your business has. Moreover, as a business you are legally obliged to protect any data you hold on your customers, vendors etc. If someone were to steal that data you might find your business is unable to continue trading and/or, you might find yourself in a lawsuit for not protecting the information properly. Both of these will have a negative financial impact on your business. 

Having a secure perimeter will also protect your business from vandalism or theft, both of which can be very costly, particularly repeat vandalism which unfortunately is not unusualIt is also important to assess your security on a regular basis. Checking your perimeter every few months can help you identify any weak spots, such as holes in fencing or broken security cameras, so that they can be addressed swiftly. 

To ensure an effective level of security, the perimeter should follow the 5 D's: Deter, Detect, Deny, Delay, and Defend. 

There are several security options available for your business, including security screens, mesh fencing, ironwork fences, gates and barriers. You should choose the one which best suits your needs and budget.

Securing The Perimeter of Your Premises

Infographic by: weldriteltd

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Securing The Perimeter of Your Premises #Infographic

Securing The Perimeter of Your Premises

When setting up a new business premises, it is essential to secure the perimeter right away. Securing the perimeter of your property is an essential part of keeping your business safe. By taking the time do this properly, you are protecting and safeguarding your property, data, assets and customers from potential trespassers. 

A perimeter will help to protect data and information, which may be the most valuable asset your business has. Moreover, as a business you are legally obliged to protect any data you hold on your customers, vendors etc. If someone were to steal that data you might find your business is unable to continue trading and/or, you might find yourself in a lawsuit for not protecting the information properly. Both of these will have a negative financial impact on your business. 

Having a secure perimeter will also protect your business from vandalism or theft, both of which can be very costly, particularly repeat vandalism which unfortunately is not unusualIt is also important to assess your security on a regular basis. Checking your perimeter every few months can help you identify any weak spots, such as holes in fencing or broken security cameras, so that they can be addressed swiftly. 

To ensure an effective level of security, the perimeter should follow the 5 D's: Deter, Detect, Deny, Delay, and Defend. 

There are several security options available for your business, including security screens, mesh fencing, ironwork fences, gates and barriers. You should choose the one which best suits your needs and budget.

Securing The Perimeter of Your Premises

Infographic by: weldriteltd

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