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Promising Career Paths: What Occupations Will Thrive?

The convergence of AI advancements and the push for a sustainable future is reshaping job landscapes, causing shifts in various sectors. The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 addresses this transformation, utilizing forecasts from surveyed respondents and ILO labor-market data. It examines not only the absolute job numbers but also the proportional growth in specific fields from 2023 to 2027.

Prominent among the growth sectors is AI and Machine Learning expertise, expected to surge by 40% by 2027, creating a million new jobs. Analytical skills, spanning roles such as business intelligence analysts, information security analysts, and data analysts, are in demand. Sustainability Specialists rank second in job growth.

In terms of absolute growth, agricultural equipment operators, heavy truck and bus drivers, and vocational education teachers are projected to see significant increases. Conversely, data entry clerks, administrative and executive secretaries, and accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll clerks face notable job losses. The 2023 Future of Jobs report from WEF suggests that these three roles may contribute over half of the expected job declines in the coming years.

Promising Career Paths: What Occupations Will Thrive? #job #career

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Promising Career Paths: What Occupations Will Thrive?

Promising Career Paths: What Occupations Will Thrive?

The convergence of AI advancements and the push for a sustainable future is reshaping job landscapes, causing shifts in various sectors. The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 addresses this transformation, utilizing forecasts from surveyed respondents and ILO labor-market data. It examines not only the absolute job numbers but also the proportional growth in specific fields from 2023 to 2027.

Prominent among the growth sectors is AI and Machine Learning expertise, expected to surge by 40% by 2027, creating a million new jobs. Analytical skills, spanning roles such as business intelligence analysts, information security analysts, and data analysts, are in demand. Sustainability Specialists rank second in job growth.

In terms of absolute growth, agricultural equipment operators, heavy truck and bus drivers, and vocational education teachers are projected to see significant increases. Conversely, data entry clerks, administrative and executive secretaries, and accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll clerks face notable job losses. The 2023 Future of Jobs report from WEF suggests that these three roles may contribute over half of the expected job declines in the coming years.

Promising Career Paths: What Occupations Will Thrive? #job #career

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