Which Countries Are the Most Literate Around the World? #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Which Countries Are the Most Literate Around the World?

The average literacy rate around the world (which is defined as people age 15 and above that can read and write) is 86.81%. However, this percentage varies greatly in different countries around the world. Some developed countries have a literacy rate of 100%, while other countries have a literacy rate of less than 50%. How do countries around the world stack up? The U.S. Career Institute research team looked at data from a multitude of sources to create a visualization of countries around the world that have the highest and lowest literacy rates. There are several countries on the planet that have a 100% literacy rate. These countries include Andorra, Finland, Greenland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and North Korea. At the bottom of the list are Chad (26.76%), Mali (30.76%), and South Sudan (34.52%). Take a look at the graphic and see how each country around the planet compares!

Which Countries Are the Most Literate Around the World?

Infographic by: uscareerinstitute

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Which Countries Are the Most Literate Around the World? #Infographic

Which Countries Are the Most Literate Around the World?

The average literacy rate around the world (which is defined as people age 15 and above that can read and write) is 86.81%. However, this percentage varies greatly in different countries around the world. Some developed countries have a literacy rate of 100%, while other countries have a literacy rate of less than 50%. How do countries around the world stack up? The U.S. Career Institute research team looked at data from a multitude of sources to create a visualization of countries around the world that have the highest and lowest literacy rates. There are several countries on the planet that have a 100% literacy rate. These countries include Andorra, Finland, Greenland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and North Korea. At the bottom of the list are Chad (26.76%), Mali (30.76%), and South Sudan (34.52%). Take a look at the graphic and see how each country around the planet compares!

Which Countries Are the Most Literate Around the World?

Infographic by: uscareerinstitute

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