Countries Where Women Make Up Over Half of the Workforce #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Countries Where Women Make Up Over Half of the Workforce #Infographic

Who runs the world? Girls! According to Beyoncé, that is, and these stats are here to prove it. The number of women who have joined the workforce has skyrocketed to unprecedented numbers in the modern era. It wasn’t that long ago many women would forgo a career to be a stay-at-home mom and homemaker. Well, times have certainly changed since then as women have gone on to become powerful politicians, CEOs, entrepreneurs, doctors, and so much more. So, which parts of the world have embraced this change with a majority of their current day workforce being female?
According to’s list of countries ranked by percentage of the workforce who are women, ten countries have a workforce that is more than 50% female. These ten countries can be found scattered around the globe and include Armenia, Turkmenistan, Burundi, Mozambique, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Macao, Belarus, Barbados, and Lithuania. Armenia earned the number one ranking with a high of 52.47% of its workforce who are women. Explore the complete list below to see how the other 170 countries ranked in terms of women in the workforce.

Countries Where Women Make Up Over Half of the Workforce

Infographic by: qualtrics

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