The Ultimate Guide to Pins Awarded to Emergency Services Personnel #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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The Ultimate Guide to Pins Awarded to Emergency Services Personnel

What are all of those colorful bars, badges, medals and more that you commonly see on the uniforms of emergency medical personnel like law enforcement, firefighters, and EMS? The team at Wizard Pins is here to answer those questions with this fascinating infographic that comes to you as the ultimate guide to pins awarded to emergency services personnel. The infographic shows off visuals of what these look like, as well as detailed descriptions into these medals and awards of the highest honor. One of these would be the all important Medal of Valor, which is presented as a high honor award to emergency services personnel for performing courageous and outstanding acts in the line of duty, while putting their own lives on the line in a big way. For emergency services personnel, it's considered to be the highest honor out there that one could receive. Which of these do you find to be the most interesting?

The Ultimate Guide to Pins Awarded to Emergency Services Personnel
Infographic by: wizardpins

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The Ultimate Guide to Pins Awarded to Emergency Services Personnel #Infographic

The Ultimate Guide to Pins Awarded to Emergency Services Personnel

What are all of those colorful bars, badges, medals and more that you commonly see on the uniforms of emergency medical personnel like law enforcement, firefighters, and EMS? The team at Wizard Pins is here to answer those questions with this fascinating infographic that comes to you as the ultimate guide to pins awarded to emergency services personnel. The infographic shows off visuals of what these look like, as well as detailed descriptions into these medals and awards of the highest honor. One of these would be the all important Medal of Valor, which is presented as a high honor award to emergency services personnel for performing courageous and outstanding acts in the line of duty, while putting their own lives on the line in a big way. For emergency services personnel, it's considered to be the highest honor out there that one could receive. Which of these do you find to be the most interesting?

The Ultimate Guide to Pins Awarded to Emergency Services Personnel
Infographic by: wizardpins

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