How Did Elon Musk Become the Richest Person In the World? #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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How Did Elon Musk Become the Richest Person In the World?

Elon Musk is the richest person in the world, but which companies has he earned his fortune from? According to this chart created by the team at Madison Trust Company, Elon’s road to billionaire status began back in 1995 when he started online business directory, Zip2, with funding from his father. Just four years later he sold Zip2 to Compaq Computer Corporation for $307 million. After selling Zip2, Elon Musk started which merged with Confinity after a year to create PayPal. Just two years later PayPal was sold to eBay for a whopping $1.5 billion, and Elon used the money to invest in other companies that have since helped him earn his many billions. One company he founded with the money was SpaceX, which he still runs today and is valued at $150 billion. Elon also used his earnings to invest in Tesla. The electric car company is worth $770 billion today and has played a large part in making Elon Musk the richest person in the world. Check out the chart below to see what other companies Elon Musk has founded or invested in along the way.

How Did Elon Musk Become the Richest Person In the World?

Infographic by: madisontrust

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How Did Elon Musk Become the Richest Person In the World? #Infographic

How Did Elon Musk Become the Richest Person In the World?

Elon Musk is the richest person in the world, but which companies has he earned his fortune from? According to this chart created by the team at Madison Trust Company, Elon’s road to billionaire status began back in 1995 when he started online business directory, Zip2, with funding from his father. Just four years later he sold Zip2 to Compaq Computer Corporation for $307 million. After selling Zip2, Elon Musk started which merged with Confinity after a year to create PayPal. Just two years later PayPal was sold to eBay for a whopping $1.5 billion, and Elon used the money to invest in other companies that have since helped him earn his many billions. One company he founded with the money was SpaceX, which he still runs today and is valued at $150 billion. Elon also used his earnings to invest in Tesla. The electric car company is worth $770 billion today and has played a large part in making Elon Musk the richest person in the world. Check out the chart below to see what other companies Elon Musk has founded or invested in along the way.

How Did Elon Musk Become the Richest Person In the World?

Infographic by: madisontrust

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