Everything Owned by Nestle in 2023 #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Everything Owned by Nestle in 2023

Nestle is far from just a candy brand. In fact, Nestle is a giant company that owns several different brands across several different industries. From the team at Wyoming LLC Attorney is this newly published infographic that lists out everything owned by Nestle, and you may actually find some of these to be rather surprising. Over the years, Nestle has acquired many of these businesses through major acquisitions. The most expensive of these acquisitions came back in 2001 when Nestle was able to acquire Ralston Purina at a price of $10.3 billion. Other massive acquisitions for Nestle include $5.5 billion for Gerber back in 2007, $2.3 billion for Altrium Innovations in 2017, Freshly for $1.5 billion in 2020, and Stouffer's at a cost of $105 million back in 1973. 

How many of the brands featured on this infographic were you surprised to learn were actually owned by Nestle?

Everything Owned by Nestle in 2023
Infographic by: wyomingllcattorney

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Everything Owned by Nestle in 2023 #Infographic

Everything Owned by Nestle in 2023

Nestle is far from just a candy brand. In fact, Nestle is a giant company that owns several different brands across several different industries. From the team at Wyoming LLC Attorney is this newly published infographic that lists out everything owned by Nestle, and you may actually find some of these to be rather surprising. Over the years, Nestle has acquired many of these businesses through major acquisitions. The most expensive of these acquisitions came back in 2001 when Nestle was able to acquire Ralston Purina at a price of $10.3 billion. Other massive acquisitions for Nestle include $5.5 billion for Gerber back in 2007, $2.3 billion for Altrium Innovations in 2017, Freshly for $1.5 billion in 2020, and Stouffer's at a cost of $105 million back in 1973. 

How many of the brands featured on this infographic were you surprised to learn were actually owned by Nestle?

Everything Owned by Nestle in 2023
Infographic by: wyomingllcattorney

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