Apple Support’s X Account is No Longer Offering Help to Customers Directly on X - Visualistan -->

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Apple seems to have stopped offering customer support on X, as some users have noticed that they are redirected to the company’s general support page when they attempt sending a direct message to the Apple Support account on X.


To all queries forwarded to the company’s customer support via X, the account responds with an automated reply which prompts the user to continue the conversation “in another support channel.” Additionally, the message includes a link to Apple’s relevant support page.  


Apple Support’s account has also been observed to have changed its profile description from “available every day to answer your questions,” to “we’re here to provide tips, tricks and helpful information when you need it most.”


Similar changes have been observed on Apple Support’s YouTube channel, where the account has stopped responding to comments under its videos.


These changes seemed to have occurred following Apple’s earlier speculated decision to eliminate “around 150 social media support advisor roles dedicated to helping customers on X, YouTube, and the Apple Support Community forums,” as reported by MacRumors. It is also reported that Apple will only temporarily continue providing its customers assistance on the Apple Support forum, as it plans to switch to over-the-phone mode of help.

Apple Support’s X Account is No Longer Offering Help to Customers Directly on X


Apple seems to have stopped offering customer support on X, as some users have noticed that they are redirected to the company’s general support page when they attempt sending a direct message to the Apple Support account on X.


To all queries forwarded to the company’s customer support via X, the account responds with an automated reply which prompts the user to continue the conversation “in another support channel.” Additionally, the message includes a link to Apple’s relevant support page.  


Apple Support’s account has also been observed to have changed its profile description from “available every day to answer your questions,” to “we’re here to provide tips, tricks and helpful information when you need it most.”


Similar changes have been observed on Apple Support’s YouTube channel, where the account has stopped responding to comments under its videos.


These changes seemed to have occurred following Apple’s earlier speculated decision to eliminate “around 150 social media support advisor roles dedicated to helping customers on X, YouTube, and the Apple Support Community forums,” as reported by MacRumors. It is also reported that Apple will only temporarily continue providing its customers assistance on the Apple Support forum, as it plans to switch to over-the-phone mode of help.

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