Spotify Announces New Podcast Engagement Tools, Including Auto-Generated Transcripts - Visualistan -->

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Spotify is releasing new engagement and control features for podcasts on its platform: auto-generated and time-synced transcripts, expanded Podcast Chapters, and updated Podcast Show pages.


Podcast transcripts enable listeners to skim through episodes without having to listen through them. On Spotify, transcripts can be accessed from the “read along” section on the screen by scrolling down while an episode is playing.


Spotify is now making transcripts richer and easier to follow by making them “more visually and textually accessible.” The auto-transcription feature is built on OpenAI’s Whisper technology, which makes it possible to translate podcasts into different languages. Spotify also plans to further develop this feature in the future, and hints at the ability to add media to transcripts, which could be useful for when a creator is describing an image in the episode, for instance.


Spotify is also expanding Podcast Chapters to mobile users. This tool enables listeners to jump into specific topics or sections within an episode. Podcasters can add time-stamped chapters – which briefly describe a segment within an episode, and listeners can preview them to acquire more information about an episode as they tune in.

Lastly, Spotify is updating the Podcast Show pages with additional information about podcasts to help listeners learn more about them before diving into an episode. In the coming weeks, users will have access to an ‘About’ and a ‘More Like This’ tab. The About tab will show descriptions, images, and episode recommendations from creators, while the More Like This tab will show recommendations for other shows.

Spotify Announces New Podcast Engagement Tools, Including Auto-Generated Transcripts

Spotify is releasing new engagement and control features for podcasts on its platform: auto-generated and time-synced transcripts, expanded Podcast Chapters, and updated Podcast Show pages.


Podcast transcripts enable listeners to skim through episodes without having to listen through them. On Spotify, transcripts can be accessed from the “read along” section on the screen by scrolling down while an episode is playing.


Spotify is now making transcripts richer and easier to follow by making them “more visually and textually accessible.” The auto-transcription feature is built on OpenAI’s Whisper technology, which makes it possible to translate podcasts into different languages. Spotify also plans to further develop this feature in the future, and hints at the ability to add media to transcripts, which could be useful for when a creator is describing an image in the episode, for instance.


Spotify is also expanding Podcast Chapters to mobile users. This tool enables listeners to jump into specific topics or sections within an episode. Podcasters can add time-stamped chapters – which briefly describe a segment within an episode, and listeners can preview them to acquire more information about an episode as they tune in.

Lastly, Spotify is updating the Podcast Show pages with additional information about podcasts to help listeners learn more about them before diving into an episode. In the coming weeks, users will have access to an ‘About’ and a ‘More Like This’ tab. The About tab will show descriptions, images, and episode recommendations from creators, while the More Like This tab will show recommendations for other shows.

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