How Diverse the Top CEOs in the World Have Been Over Time #infographic - Visualistan -->

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How Diverse the Top CEOs in the World Have Been Over Time #infographic

Throughout its history, Corporate America has been widely recognized for its predominant representation of white male CEOs, particularly at the apex of Fortune 500 corporations. While strides have been taken towards fostering inclusivity, the corporate domain continues to grapple with the imperative of diversity. In recent times, there has been discernible progress in the composition of C-suite executives across various enterprises. 

A strong advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion, Qualtrics has undertaken a comprehensive analysis, delving into the trajectory of top Fortune 500 CEOs to ascertain the evolution of gender and racial inclusiveness among the leaders steering the course of America's largest companies. Evidently, the annals of the Fortune 500 narrative have been shaped predominantly by the dominance of white male figures. Nevertheless, the winds of change have initiated a perceptible transformation, manifesting in the progressively diversified executive echelons. Casting a retrospective glance to 1980, the upper echelons of the Fortune 500 hierarchy were an exclusive domain of white male CEOs. The passage of time brings us to 2023, where the majority still rests with 37 out of the top 50 corporations being helmed by white male leaders.

How Diverse the Top CEOs in the World Have Been Over Time #infographic

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