Microsoft Brings New Updates to Snipping Tool and Notepad in Windows 11 - Visualistan -->

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Microsoft is changing things up in the Snipping Tool and Notepad in Windows 11 with some new, handy features.


The most significant update to Notepad is the autosave, which means that your Notepad window will no longer show a pop up asking if you want to save your file when you attempt to close it after making changes. When you return to your file, you will find the changes you made to it last.


Another addition is the tab support that will enable you to use multiple files in a single window, much like in the File Explorer. You will also find new keyboard shortcut keys to support managing your Notepad tabs.


In the Snipping Tool, you will be getting a better screen recording experience as a result of an improved interface. The screen recording option will be directly accessible from a keyboard shortcut, so you wouldn’t have to search for it in the screenshot toolbar.


These features are currently being tested in the Windows Insider Program and are therefore available to the Canary and Dev channels only for now. You can expect them to be out on the main Windows update channel later.

Microsoft Brings New Updates to Snipping Tool and Notepad in Windows 11

Microsoft is changing things up in the Snipping Tool and Notepad in Windows 11 with some new, handy features.


The most significant update to Notepad is the autosave, which means that your Notepad window will no longer show a pop up asking if you want to save your file when you attempt to close it after making changes. When you return to your file, you will find the changes you made to it last.


Another addition is the tab support that will enable you to use multiple files in a single window, much like in the File Explorer. You will also find new keyboard shortcut keys to support managing your Notepad tabs.


In the Snipping Tool, you will be getting a better screen recording experience as a result of an improved interface. The screen recording option will be directly accessible from a keyboard shortcut, so you wouldn’t have to search for it in the screenshot toolbar.


These features are currently being tested in the Windows Insider Program and are therefore available to the Canary and Dev channels only for now. You can expect them to be out on the main Windows update channel later.

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