Third-Party Cookies to be Phased Out on Chrome in Q3 of 2024 - Visualistan -->

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Google has introduced new privacy-focused APIs that will go into effect on 24th of July. The news comes after the public release of Chrome 115.  As a result of new APIs being applied, third-party cookies will be ultimately eliminated from Chrome by the third quarter of 2024.


More specifically, the change will come as Google’s ‘Privacy Sandbox toolkit’ for Chrome will be gradually activated for developers, hence replacing third-party cookies with API alternatives that grant better security.


Google plans to do an early test of the Privacy Sandbox tools with advertisers later this year, as well as disable third-party cookies for 1% of Chrome users in the first quarter of next year.


The Privacy Sandbox includes the following (and more):

·       Protected Audience API that allows for display of ads to users based on their interests, in a privacy-preserving manner.

·       Topics API that allows a browser to share information with third parties about users’ interests while preserving privacy.

·       Attribution Reporting API that measures when ad clicks or views lead to conversions.


As Google begins to roll out its new APIs, only some Chrome developers will be able to have access to all of them, so that it is easier for Google to identify any potential issues.

Third-Party Cookies to be Phased Out on Chrome in Q3 of 2024

Google has introduced new privacy-focused APIs that will go into effect on 24th of July. The news comes after the public release of Chrome 115.  As a result of new APIs being applied, third-party cookies will be ultimately eliminated from Chrome by the third quarter of 2024.


More specifically, the change will come as Google’s ‘Privacy Sandbox toolkit’ for Chrome will be gradually activated for developers, hence replacing third-party cookies with API alternatives that grant better security.


Google plans to do an early test of the Privacy Sandbox tools with advertisers later this year, as well as disable third-party cookies for 1% of Chrome users in the first quarter of next year.


The Privacy Sandbox includes the following (and more):

·       Protected Audience API that allows for display of ads to users based on their interests, in a privacy-preserving manner.

·       Topics API that allows a browser to share information with third parties about users’ interests while preserving privacy.

·       Attribution Reporting API that measures when ad clicks or views lead to conversions.


As Google begins to roll out its new APIs, only some Chrome developers will be able to have access to all of them, so that it is easier for Google to identify any potential issues.

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