Where in the U.S. Are People Most Likely to Have Discolored Teeth? #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Where in the U.S. Are People Most Likely to Have Discolored Teeth?

Teeth can become stained over time due to the consumption of various beverages, foods, and certain habits. Drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine are the primary culprits for tooth discoloration, while smoking cigarettes can also lead to brown teeth. To gauge the likelihood of individuals having discolored teeth, Imagix Dental's research team developed the Discolored Teeth Index. This index ranks the 50 states and major U.S. cities based on their consumption of teeth-staining drinks and the prevalence of smoking stains from cigarettes. Unlike studies focusing on dental care quality, this index specifically identifies locations where stained and discolored teeth are more common, regardless of dental habits. Even apparently healthy teeth can be discolored due to a higher prevalence of habits that cause tooth stains. 

Imagix Dental's research team has created an informative infographic highlighting the U.S. states and cities with the highest probability of teeth stains resulting from excessive consumption of coffee, tea, wine, and smoking.

Where in the U.S. Are People Most Likely to Have Discolored Teeth?
Infographic by: imagixdental

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Where in the U.S. Are People Most Likely to Have Discolored Teeth? #Infographic

Where in the U.S. Are People Most Likely to Have Discolored Teeth?

Teeth can become stained over time due to the consumption of various beverages, foods, and certain habits. Drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine are the primary culprits for tooth discoloration, while smoking cigarettes can also lead to brown teeth. To gauge the likelihood of individuals having discolored teeth, Imagix Dental's research team developed the Discolored Teeth Index. This index ranks the 50 states and major U.S. cities based on their consumption of teeth-staining drinks and the prevalence of smoking stains from cigarettes. Unlike studies focusing on dental care quality, this index specifically identifies locations where stained and discolored teeth are more common, regardless of dental habits. Even apparently healthy teeth can be discolored due to a higher prevalence of habits that cause tooth stains. 

Imagix Dental's research team has created an informative infographic highlighting the U.S. states and cities with the highest probability of teeth stains resulting from excessive consumption of coffee, tea, wine, and smoking.

Where in the U.S. Are People Most Likely to Have Discolored Teeth?
Infographic by: imagixdental

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