LinkedIn is Taking Down Three of its Creator-Focused Features 26 June Onwards - Visualistan -->

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LinkedIn is removing three of its existing features on the platform: carousel posts, profile videos, and the option of embedding clickable links within images or videos of posts. These haven’t been around for a long time, nor have they produced sufficient engagement; therefore their removal won’t cause much impact to users.


The company’s decision was formed after learning from user feedback that these elements in particular weren’t of much benefit to users including creators. “Starting June 26th, we’ll be removing these tools,” says LinkedIn. The platform has additionally assured users that their current carousel posts, profile videos, and linked images or videos will be viewable despite the termination of these features.


While carousel posts are a big hit on many social media platforms, they didn’t prove to be much successful on LinkedIn. Although prior to the release of carousel posts in July last year, many LinkedIn users had been using the PDF attachment option to makeshift carousel posts.


Profile videos were introduced as another potential engagement feature, however, they too didn’t spark much engagement across the platform, hence their ultimate take down.


Lastly, the in-image/video linking option that was released in August last year, was introduced as a way to drive referral traffic back to users’ sites. While the feature didn’t perform as poorly as the other two, LinkedIn still doesn’t seem happy with its existence for some reason.  

LinkedIn is Taking Down Three of its Creator-Focused Features 26 June Onwards

LinkedIn is removing three of its existing features on the platform: carousel posts, profile videos, and the option of embedding clickable links within images or videos of posts. These haven’t been around for a long time, nor have they produced sufficient engagement; therefore their removal won’t cause much impact to users.


The company’s decision was formed after learning from user feedback that these elements in particular weren’t of much benefit to users including creators. “Starting June 26th, we’ll be removing these tools,” says LinkedIn. The platform has additionally assured users that their current carousel posts, profile videos, and linked images or videos will be viewable despite the termination of these features.


While carousel posts are a big hit on many social media platforms, they didn’t prove to be much successful on LinkedIn. Although prior to the release of carousel posts in July last year, many LinkedIn users had been using the PDF attachment option to makeshift carousel posts.


Profile videos were introduced as another potential engagement feature, however, they too didn’t spark much engagement across the platform, hence their ultimate take down.


Lastly, the in-image/video linking option that was released in August last year, was introduced as a way to drive referral traffic back to users’ sites. While the feature didn’t perform as poorly as the other two, LinkedIn still doesn’t seem happy with its existence for some reason.  

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