Twitter Launches Another New Blue-Exclusive Feature: A ‘Highlights’ Tab - Visualistan -->

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Twitter has added a new tab in the app ‘Highlights’ for subscribers of Twitter Blue after having tested it for a month with a limited number of users. Similar to Highlights on Instagram, this tab is where users can add their own favourite or best tweets which will be displayed on their profiles.



In the three dots menu on the top right of a tweet, you will find a new option ‘add/remove from Highlights,’ using which you can add any of your tweet to the Highlights tab or remove it if it’s already there. Your Highlights will not appear on other users’ feeds, but anyone can view your Highlight tweets when they visit your profile.


Highlights could help users build their presence on Twitter. They can be created both for fun as well as promotional and connective purposes. The feature may not be as useful for regular subscriber accounts, considering that it is not a common practice on Twitter for users to visit each other’s profiles frequently. However, for brands, it could help them showcase their products or customer endorsements to potential buyers that visit their profiles.


While Highlights are only accessible to Twitter Blue subscribers, the feature itself is visible to all users. As a non-subscriber, clicking on the ‘add/remove from Highlights’ option will divert you to the sign-up process.

Twitter Launches Another New Blue-Exclusive Feature: A ‘Highlights’ Tab

Twitter has added a new tab in the app ‘Highlights’ for subscribers of Twitter Blue after having tested it for a month with a limited number of users. Similar to Highlights on Instagram, this tab is where users can add their own favourite or best tweets which will be displayed on their profiles.



In the three dots menu on the top right of a tweet, you will find a new option ‘add/remove from Highlights,’ using which you can add any of your tweet to the Highlights tab or remove it if it’s already there. Your Highlights will not appear on other users’ feeds, but anyone can view your Highlight tweets when they visit your profile.


Highlights could help users build their presence on Twitter. They can be created both for fun as well as promotional and connective purposes. The feature may not be as useful for regular subscriber accounts, considering that it is not a common practice on Twitter for users to visit each other’s profiles frequently. However, for brands, it could help them showcase their products or customer endorsements to potential buyers that visit their profiles.


While Highlights are only accessible to Twitter Blue subscribers, the feature itself is visible to all users. As a non-subscriber, clicking on the ‘add/remove from Highlights’ option will divert you to the sign-up process.

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