Twitter to Start Paying Select Creators Based on Ads Served in Replies - Visualistan -->

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Elon Musk has introduced yet another monetization opportunity for creators on Twitter. Creators that are either subscribers of Twitter Blue or have purchased the blue verification check, will be paid for “ads served in their replies.”



On the other hand, Twitter has reduced ad exposure in the For You and Following timelines by 50%. This is not to be mixed with the recent monetization update, since the number of ads shown in replies remains unchanged, regardless.


The current number of subscribers of Twitter blue is 700,000. The first block payment as a result of ads in replies, according to Musk, adds up to $50, which, when calculated, is a fraction of the overall revenue produced from Twitter Blue subscribers.


Moreover, each user will be bringing $7.14 to Twitter, and so, roughly, if all Twitter Blue subscribers were to post content that generated an equal number of ads in their replies, each one on an average would be getting only about $2.38, which is not a lot. However, creators that will be seeing more replies will be making more money. Even then, their total amount would only be enough to make up for their monthly subscription cost.


To ensure greater number of replies, creators would now start considering ways that spark more discussions. For instance, increased sharing or triggering / emotional conversations produce the most responses. According to a research related to social media conducted by Harvard Business, “negative emotions contributed to higher virality.” We could therefore be soon seeing more argumentative content on Twitter than before.

Twitter to Start Paying Select Creators Based on Ads Served in Replies

Elon Musk has introduced yet another monetization opportunity for creators on Twitter. Creators that are either subscribers of Twitter Blue or have purchased the blue verification check, will be paid for “ads served in their replies.”



On the other hand, Twitter has reduced ad exposure in the For You and Following timelines by 50%. This is not to be mixed with the recent monetization update, since the number of ads shown in replies remains unchanged, regardless.


The current number of subscribers of Twitter blue is 700,000. The first block payment as a result of ads in replies, according to Musk, adds up to $50, which, when calculated, is a fraction of the overall revenue produced from Twitter Blue subscribers.


Moreover, each user will be bringing $7.14 to Twitter, and so, roughly, if all Twitter Blue subscribers were to post content that generated an equal number of ads in their replies, each one on an average would be getting only about $2.38, which is not a lot. However, creators that will be seeing more replies will be making more money. Even then, their total amount would only be enough to make up for their monthly subscription cost.


To ensure greater number of replies, creators would now start considering ways that spark more discussions. For instance, increased sharing or triggering / emotional conversations produce the most responses. According to a research related to social media conducted by Harvard Business, “negative emotions contributed to higher virality.” We could therefore be soon seeing more argumentative content on Twitter than before.

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