U.S. Cities Where Food Prices Have Increased the Most #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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U.S. Cities Where Food Prices Have Increased the Most

In Las Vegas, Nevada, the average price of eggs has increased by an unbelievable 170% in just a period of a couple of years. While Las Vegas has seen the largest price hike on eggs, the city that has seen the average grocery bill increase the most in just a short amount of time is actually Indianapolis, Indiana, where the typical bill has risen by 50.6% since the start of 2021. From the team at Nadrich & Cohen comes this new infographic that identifies the U.S. cities where food prices have increased the most in recent years. The data and research is specifically based on early 2021 through early 2023, and uses a handful of popular food items across the 50 most populous cities in the United States. Other cities that have seen their average grocery bill skyrocket since 2021 include places like Denver (+44% increase), Las Vegas (+42.8% increase), and Phoenix (+40.5% increase).

U.S. Cities Where Food Prices Have Increased the Most

Infographic by: personalinjurylawcal

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U.S. Cities Where Food Prices Have Increased the Most #Infographic

U.S. Cities Where Food Prices Have Increased the Most

In Las Vegas, Nevada, the average price of eggs has increased by an unbelievable 170% in just a period of a couple of years. While Las Vegas has seen the largest price hike on eggs, the city that has seen the average grocery bill increase the most in just a short amount of time is actually Indianapolis, Indiana, where the typical bill has risen by 50.6% since the start of 2021. From the team at Nadrich & Cohen comes this new infographic that identifies the U.S. cities where food prices have increased the most in recent years. The data and research is specifically based on early 2021 through early 2023, and uses a handful of popular food items across the 50 most populous cities in the United States. Other cities that have seen their average grocery bill skyrocket since 2021 include places like Denver (+44% increase), Las Vegas (+42.8% increase), and Phoenix (+40.5% increase).

U.S. Cities Where Food Prices Have Increased the Most

Infographic by: personalinjurylawcal

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