Monkeypox, now known officially as mpox, was an unexpected surprise for medical professions in 2022. Beginning in May, the U.S. and many other countries started reporting cases of the mpox virus. While mpox isn’t a new disease, it is new to see it diagnosed so frequently outside of places like Africa. According to this visualization from there was a total of 29,640 cases of monkeypox reported in the United States during 2022, or a rate of 9.03 cases of mpox per 100,000 people. The rates vary widely across the country from a high of 21.51 mpox cases per 100,000 in the state of New York, to a low rate of just 0.34 per 100,000 in South Dakota. States along the coast lines were found to have the highest rates of mpox cases, while the states that make up the ‘The Great American West’ were found to have some of the lowest rates in the country.
Which state were you surprised to find had such a high, or low, rate of reported mpox cases over the course of 2022?
Infographic by: nyrequirements