Twitter Blue Subscribers Will be Allowed to Post Longer Tweets and Possibly Have Access to TwitterDeck - Visualistan -->

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Twitter Blue Subscribers Will be Allowed to Post Longer Tweets and Possibly Have Access to TwitterDeck

Twitter is providing subscribers of Twitter Blue the ability to post longer tweets, up to 4000 characters long. In addition to that, subscribers of the program can also access TweetDeck, a tweet management tool, as an exclusive feature.

With 300,000 subscribers at the moment, Twitter Blue seems to be lagging behind in terms of its potential to generate the revenue that Twitter aims for. As a result, the company is looking for ways to lure users into signing up for Blue.


TweetDeck may become a successful add-on in Twitter Blue, since people already pay third-party apps for the purpose of tweet management. Similarly, the ability to create longer tweets may also attract more people to Twitter Blue; although it seems pitiful that this option isn’t available to all Twitter users.


In addition to posting longer tweets, Twitter Blue subscribers will also be able to “compose longer Tweets in a Quote Tweet or reply,” says Twitter.

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