Twitter is Disabling SMS Two Factor Authentication Method for Non-Subscribers of Twitter Blue - Visualistan -->

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Starting next month, Twitter is taking away the SMS two factor authentication option away from Twitter users except subscribers of Twitter Blue, hence making it a Twitter Blue exclusive feature.


This means that only those who are willing to pay Twitter $8 a month will be able to keep their account safe from hacking. Explaining the reason behind its decision, Twitter says that it has “seen phone-number based 2FA be used - and abused - by bad actors.”


The explanation seems odd, considering that Twitter’s new verification process in Blue is not really authentic in itself. The verification criteria primarily includes paying a fee, which means that any account, whether genuine or not, can be verified on Twitter as long as it is paying a subscription fee.


Twitter further adds that accounts that already utilize the 2FA method will have 30 days to disable it. After 20 March 2023, the ability to use text messages for 2FA will be automatically disabled for non-subscribers.

Twitter is Disabling SMS Two Factor Authentication Method for Non-Subscribers of Twitter Blue

Starting next month, Twitter is taking away the SMS two factor authentication option away from Twitter users except subscribers of Twitter Blue, hence making it a Twitter Blue exclusive feature.


This means that only those who are willing to pay Twitter $8 a month will be able to keep their account safe from hacking. Explaining the reason behind its decision, Twitter says that it has “seen phone-number based 2FA be used - and abused - by bad actors.”


The explanation seems odd, considering that Twitter’s new verification process in Blue is not really authentic in itself. The verification criteria primarily includes paying a fee, which means that any account, whether genuine or not, can be verified on Twitter as long as it is paying a subscription fee.


Twitter further adds that accounts that already utilize the 2FA method will have 30 days to disable it. After 20 March 2023, the ability to use text messages for 2FA will be automatically disabled for non-subscribers.

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