Instagram is Experimenting with a New Memory Story Prompt - Visualistan -->

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Instagram is testing a new engagement feature using Stories that show users their old memories on the app. Available to some users currently, it acts like an archive prompt and appears in the main feed, like regular Stories.


Tapping on the Memory Story displays a pop-up that says “look back on past stories.” Users can view all the Stories that they shared around the same date and choose to re-share their memories if they wish to. Users’ memories are only visible to them, and will be visible to others only if they are shared publicly or with followers.

The ability to share old posts on Facebook, more specifically called ‘On This Day,’ has been a successful element in the app, as it prompted more than 60 million users to interact with the functionality. Instagram may have considered doing the same on its platform in order to maintain engagement and create a nostalgic experience for its users.


However, although the feature has been designed to boost engagement, it is not very different from the existing Archive feature. Perhaps this is Instagram’s way of rebuilding its focus on photos and Stories more than Reels, in accordance with the company’s plan, as previously revealed by chief Adam Mosseri.

Instagram is Experimenting with a New Memory Story Prompt

Instagram is testing a new engagement feature using Stories that show users their old memories on the app. Available to some users currently, it acts like an archive prompt and appears in the main feed, like regular Stories.


Tapping on the Memory Story displays a pop-up that says “look back on past stories.” Users can view all the Stories that they shared around the same date and choose to re-share their memories if they wish to. Users’ memories are only visible to them, and will be visible to others only if they are shared publicly or with followers.

The ability to share old posts on Facebook, more specifically called ‘On This Day,’ has been a successful element in the app, as it prompted more than 60 million users to interact with the functionality. Instagram may have considered doing the same on its platform in order to maintain engagement and create a nostalgic experience for its users.


However, although the feature has been designed to boost engagement, it is not very different from the existing Archive feature. Perhaps this is Instagram’s way of rebuilding its focus on photos and Stories more than Reels, in accordance with the company’s plan, as previously revealed by chief Adam Mosseri.

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