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The Companies who hold the Most Artificial Intelligence (AI) Patents #Infographic


There has been an increase in patent filings by Chinese enterprises for artificial intelligence products rapidly in the past couple years. The companies that hold the most active Artificial Intelligence and machine learning patent families are now tech giant Tencent and search engine provider Baidu. Their progress is ahead of U.S. firm IBM, South Korea’s Samsung, Chinese insurance provider Ping An and former AI patent leader Microsoft. The latter company has been seeing one of its major AI investments come to fruition recently, as conversational AI bot ChatGPT by Microsoft partner OpenAI has been making waves. Microsoft suddenly announced another round of funding for OpenAI, believed to be to the tune of $10 billion.


This infographic that is based on the LexisNexis PatentSight directory shows, Tencent and Baidu became the largest patent owners in machine learning and AI in 2021, each holding more than 9,000 active patent families. A family is denoted as a set of patents that cover the same technical content. IBM owned more than 7,000 families that same year, while Microsoft held just under 6,000 families coming on rank six. According to LexisNexis, it was Microsoft which owned the most AI patents between 2012 and 2019.  


Even bigger than the rise in filings by Tencent and Baidu was the AI patent frenzy released by Chinese insurance and banking giant Ping An. The number of patent families Ping An owns increased from fewer than 50 to more than 6,000 just in the past five years. Among the tools recently developed for Artificial Intelligence by the company is a software that analyzes facial micro-expressions (i.e. eye blinks, involuntary twitches). Ping An uses these expressions as data to evaluate insurance claims its policyholders send in the form of videos.

The Companies who hold the Most Artificial Intelligence (AI) Patents

Infographic by: statista

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