On average, drivers in the state of Maine pay $876.00 an annual basis, on average, for full coverage car insurance. This is the cheapest average rate across the United States, and Maine is the only state in the country where this average cost comes in at being below $1,000.00 a year. Drivers within New York State aren't nearly as fortunate when it comes to their car insurance costs, where on an annual basis, full coverage car insurance can cost $2,996.00 on average annually. The team at Alan's Factory Outlet ranked all 50 U.S. based on their average costs of car insurance, with the data and research being presented on this infographic. Outside of New York, other states that see very high average annual costs for full coverage car insurance include Louisiana ($2,864 annually), Florida ($2,762 annually) and Nevada ($2,426 annually). Aside from Maine, where car insurance rates are the lowest, other cheaper states include Vermont ($1,000 annually), Idaho ($1,065 annually) and New Hampshire ($1,182 annually).
Infographic by: alansfactoryoutlet