There has been a general trend in colleges and school campuses closing, and in some cases, permanently shutting down. From 2016 to 2019, 86 colleges shut down or merged with other schools, and even more, 53 colleges closed permanently during the 2019-2020 school year.
In 2020, 56% of US college students said they could no longer afford their tuition, as they needed to figure out a new way to pay because of the impact of COVID-19. While the pandemic has undoubtedly contributed to fewer enrollments, there are other non-COVID related factors that have steadily become larger issues prior to 2020. In a nation that holds attending college to one of the highest standards, it is unquestionable that the landscape of American universities will change. With an increasing number of uninterested students and trying times for colleges to maintain enrollment, getting a higher education does not necessarily fit the bill anymore.
Read in the infographic below to learn more about the challenges students and colleges alike are facing.
Infographic by: collegecliffs