Data has shown that no vehicle on the road is more likely to get into a fatal accident than the Chevrolet Silverado. Based on accidents from the National Highway Safety Administration, from 2016-2020, Chevrolet Silverados had been involved in 8,777 fatal road accidents, which was much more than any other vehicle on the road. In this infographic, the research team at used this data to determine the 25 vehicles that were involved in the most fatal car crashes in the United States over this period of time. The Chevrolet Silverado wasn't the manufacturer's only model to be included in this list of 25 vehicles, as other models from Chevrolet were involved in many fatal crashes, including the Chevrolet Impala (2,765 fatal crashes), Chevrolet Malibu (2,548 fatal crashes) and Chevrolet Tahoe (2,226 fatal crashes). The Chevrolet Silverado was so dangerous on the road, in fact, that of the 50 states across the country, the Silverado led 30 different states as being the most fatal vehicle.
Vehicles That Are Involved in the Most Fatal Accidents in the U.S #Infographic
Data has shown that no vehicle on the road is more likely to get into a fatal accident than the Chevrolet Silverado. Based on accidents from the National Highway Safety Administration, from 2016-2020, Chevrolet Silverados had been involved in 8,777 fatal road accidents, which was much more than any other vehicle on the road. In this infographic, the research team at used this data to determine the 25 vehicles that were involved in the most fatal car crashes in the United States over this period of time. The Chevrolet Silverado wasn't the manufacturer's only model to be included in this list of 25 vehicles, as other models from Chevrolet were involved in many fatal crashes, including the Chevrolet Impala (2,765 fatal crashes), Chevrolet Malibu (2,548 fatal crashes) and Chevrolet Tahoe (2,226 fatal crashes). The Chevrolet Silverado was so dangerous on the road, in fact, that of the 50 states across the country, the Silverado led 30 different states as being the most fatal vehicle.
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