Let's take a look back at some of the most popular consumer cars throughout history. Lucky for us we have this great graphic from the team at Titlemax.com that displays not only the year's most popular car since 1950, but also the price adjusted for today's dollar. Your grandparents may have invested $18k (in today's dollar) in a Plymouth Belvedere which was a popular car in 1954. Maybe if your dad is anything like mine, he had a popular Ford Mustang in 1964 which would cost today around $19,200 dollars. My first car as a teenager was my mom's hand-me-down Honda Accord. On this list it was one of the most popular cars in 1989, costing around $33,186.00 with today's inflation. What I really wanted in high school was the car my best friend got to drive around, a brand new 2001 Jeep Wrangler, costing her parents just over $22,000 in today's dollars.
Infographic by: titlemax