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Safe Substance Abuse Recovery for LGBTQ+ #Infographic

There is already a certain tradition in the scientific literature to apply certain models when talking about the state of health of people in general and LGBT people in particular. For example, the large-scale 2011 study, “The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People: Building a Framework for Better Understanding,” conducted by the Institute of Medicine and supported by the National Institutes of Health, uses four methodological approaches to show how different levels of social life intersect and affect the health status of the LGBT community in the United States.
The authors of this study address the conceptual framework of the life-course approach, the minority stress model, intersectionality (the intersection of different levels of inequality), and the socio-environmental perspective. 

That is why people from the LGBTQ+ community still may face fears while looking for drug addiction recovery. AddictionResource created an infographic on factors pushing LGBTQ+ people to substance abuse in order to bring awareness and minimize the risk factors in the community.

Safe Substance Abuse Recovery for LGBTQ+

Infographic by: addictionresource

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