Wellbutrin Side Effects: Common, Severe, And Rare Reactions #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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Wellbutrin Side Effects: Common, Severe, And Rare Reactions

Do you have a dry mouth, insomnia, or headache after taking Wellbutrin? No need to panic as long as a particular symptom is minor. An infographic below lists some of the most frequent side effects of this antidepressant. They occur as your body reacts to Wellbutrin’s effect. But as soon as it gets used to this, those effects will go away. It may take a couple of weeks. However, you should talk to your doctor if you any adverse effects you are experiencing with your antidepressant are bothersome, severe, get worse, or don't go away. 

AddictionResource authors say the risks of adverse events are low if a user is responsible. Swallow a whole pill, don’t crush, chew, or divide it. Don’t take more than your prescribed dose as it can increase the risk of having a seizure. Never take two doses at once to make up for a missed dose.

Wellbutrin Side Effects: Common, Severe, And Rare Reactions

Infographic by: addictionresource

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Wellbutrin Side Effects: Common, Severe, And Rare Reactions #Infographic

Wellbutrin Side Effects: Common, Severe, And Rare Reactions

Do you have a dry mouth, insomnia, or headache after taking Wellbutrin? No need to panic as long as a particular symptom is minor. An infographic below lists some of the most frequent side effects of this antidepressant. They occur as your body reacts to Wellbutrin’s effect. But as soon as it gets used to this, those effects will go away. It may take a couple of weeks. However, you should talk to your doctor if you any adverse effects you are experiencing with your antidepressant are bothersome, severe, get worse, or don't go away. 

AddictionResource authors say the risks of adverse events are low if a user is responsible. Swallow a whole pill, don’t crush, chew, or divide it. Don’t take more than your prescribed dose as it can increase the risk of having a seizure. Never take two doses at once to make up for a missed dose.

Wellbutrin Side Effects: Common, Severe, And Rare Reactions

Infographic by: addictionresource

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