Everyone knows that drinking a lot is harmful. It gives us a hangover and makes us feel tired, and we don’t look good (to say the least) - and that is just the morning afterwards. Regular binge drinking has damaging effects on the whole body. The infographic below shows what illnesses it can provoke in different organs.
While the focus is often made on the consequences of heavy alcohol consumption, moderate and even low drinking can also impair your health. It has been linked to higher risks of cancers, including mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, breast in women and bowel in men, and liver cancer.
When an individual regularly abuses alcohol for an extended period of time, the brain becomes dependent on it. Aside from the health damage, addiction may ruin a person's relationships, destroy their careers, and lead to risky behaviors (drunk driving, drug use, unprotected sex, etc.). Severe addiction requires inpatient treatment.
AddictionResource authors say that quitting cold turkey can be dangerous. Detox should be done under medical supervision. Besides, there are always some psychological problems behind the wish to drink. Therapists help to find out the root of the problem and learn to cope with it while being sober.
Infographic by: addictionresource