Fermentation could be considered a food art form. It is an amazing process to extract nutrients in raw foods without killing the live enzymes through high heat cooking. The microorganisms that are produced by fermented foods are excellent for our gut health. When wild microbes in nature start the fermenting process, no one knows the exact microorganisms that are doing the work for each food or drink but what scientists and nutritionists do know is these good bacteria are essential to our health. Fermented superfoods can help protect us from disease and improve digestion, skin and hair. Fermented foods can also help detoxify, reduce cholesterol levels and increase amino acids. Do you know what foods can be fermented? Pretty much any vegetable and so much more!
This chart from howtocook.recipes shows the many different options of fermented food from around the world. How many times have you used Worcestershire sauce and not realized it is a fermented food product from England? What else on this list have you had? Yogurt? Tempeh? Sauerkraut? I bet you have never had Kiviak before, and I guarantee you would not want to try it!
Infographic by: howtocook.recipes