What Do Effexor Tablets And Capsules Look Like? #Infographic - Visualistan -->

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What Do Effexor Tablets And Capsules Look Like?

Effexor (venlafaxine) is a prescription medication for depression, panic disorder and anxiety. It’s an effective drug, but it also has a list of possible side effects, ranging from mild to severe. 

AddictionResource authors share a couple of tips that help to minimize the risks. Firstly, don’t change the dosage as you wish. It won’t heal your condition faster. Instead, you’ll feel sick because of adverse effects and a possible overdose. 

What if you forget the dosage or mix up your medicine? The below infographic can help identify some of the most common Effexor pills and capsules. Save it to your phone so you can use it in case you can’t go online or ask anybody. 

Secondly, follow your daily medication schedule. What if you miss a dose? Take it a.s.a.p. But if it’s nearly time for your next pill, skip the missed one and go back to your regular schedule.

What Do Effexor Tablets And Capsules Look Like?

Infographic by: addictionresource

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What Do Effexor Tablets And Capsules Look Like? #Infographic

What Do Effexor Tablets And Capsules Look Like?

Effexor (venlafaxine) is a prescription medication for depression, panic disorder and anxiety. It’s an effective drug, but it also has a list of possible side effects, ranging from mild to severe. 

AddictionResource authors share a couple of tips that help to minimize the risks. Firstly, don’t change the dosage as you wish. It won’t heal your condition faster. Instead, you’ll feel sick because of adverse effects and a possible overdose. 

What if you forget the dosage or mix up your medicine? The below infographic can help identify some of the most common Effexor pills and capsules. Save it to your phone so you can use it in case you can’t go online or ask anybody. 

Secondly, follow your daily medication schedule. What if you miss a dose? Take it a.s.a.p. But if it’s nearly time for your next pill, skip the missed one and go back to your regular schedule.

What Do Effexor Tablets And Capsules Look Like?

Infographic by: addictionresource

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