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New survey shows American’s coffee consumption habits #Infographic

Many people across the globe enjoy coffee daily and are borderline obsessed with coffee consumption. For many people, coffee is a way to wake up and start the day and boost doing the workday or while at home watching children. During the last year of the COVID-19 pandemic, coffee consumption has helped keep many sane and give them a slice of normalcy to their daily routine. 

Roasty Coffee surveyed 1,500 plus people to learn more about their coffee consumption preferences and if their levels of consumption have risen in the past year of the COVDI-19 pandemic. Let us take a look at some of the main takeaways from the report. 

American coffee habits 

The survey from Roasty Coffee found that 71% of Americans reported that they drink coffee daily. 52% of respondents said they are loyal to one brand of coffee and are not interested in trying a new coffee brand. 57% said they think they are addicted to the caffeine in coffee. 

Listed below are the most preferred home-brewing methods over the last year: 

1. Brewing with a coffee maker (52%) 
2. Brewing a single serve cup/capsule (16%) 
3. Brewing a pot of instant coffee (11%) 
4. Using a French press (8%) 
5. Using a pour over (7%) 

Coffee consumption habits continued 

The survey on coffee consumption habits from Roasty Coffee found that on average, Americans consume 3.12 cups of coffee each day. Roasty Coffee next asked about things like preferred coffee roast and how Americans take their coffee. The survey found that 51% of Americans prefer a medium roast of coffee. 24% say they prefer a dark roast of coffee. 16% prefer a light roast, and another 9% reported no preference when it comes to the preferred roast of coffee. 

The survey next asked American consumers how they normally take their coffee. Listed below is the full breakdown: 

1. I take my coffee with cream and sugar (26%) 
2. I take my coffee black (25%) 
3. I take my coffee with cream (24%) 
4. I take my coffee with sugar/sweetener (17%) 
5. I prefer espresso drinks with my coffee (5%) 

When do Americans start their coffee consumption habits? 

The next part of the survey from Roast Coffee asked about what age they first consumed coffee. Americans said that they most appropriate age to start drinking coffee was 18 and that most Americans believe that coffee is a beverage intended for adults, not children. 

Listed below is the full breakdown of when people started consuming coffee: 
  • Age 10 (10% of respondents) 
  • Age 11 (4% of respondents) 
  • Age 12 (7% of respondents) 
  • Age 13 (12% of respondents) 
  • Age 14 (5% of respondents) 
  • Age 15 (7% of respondents) 
  • Age 16 (8% of respondents) 
  • Age 17 (5% of respondents) 
  • Age 18 (12% of respondents) 
  • Age 19 (4% of respondents) 
  • Age 20 (8% of respondents) 
The survey found that 82% of respondents fell within ages 10-20 for when they started to first drink coffee. 

The top benefits of drinking coffee 

Roast Coffee next asked surveyed respondents about the benefits they enjoy the most from drinking coffee. 78% of respondents said that drinking coffee helps to improve their energy daily. 64% of respondents said that drinking coffee improves their overall mood. 44% reported increases in productivity after consuming coffee. 35% said drinking coffee helps to manage migraines. 30% said drinking coffee helps with reducing their appetite. 

The survey next asked about whether or not coffee drinkers have taken a break from drinking coffee and if they were successful in doing so. 49% said they have taken a break from coffee and have succeeded in breaking the habit. 40% said they took a break from coffee but failed and went back to drinking not long after. 14% said they had not tried taking a break from drinking coffee previously. 

Coffee benefits 

Going beyond the benefits listed below, Roasty Coffee found out that 61% of surveyed respondents said that drinking coffee makes them a better person. 78% said that drinking coffee help them to get through life and the daily challenges they deal with. 82% said that drinking coffee helps them perform better at work. 

Coffee and Alcohol 

Speaking of drinking coffee at work, the survey found that beyond the benefits of drinking coffee on their actual job, some coffee drinkers reported combing alcohol with coffee while at work. 37% of respondents admitted to adding some alcohol to their coffee during work hours at least one time. Another 30% of surveyed respondent’s said they have used a coffee mug to conceal alcohol consumption during a work meeting. 

Pandemic coffee habits and how they have changed 

The next part of the coffee consumption habits survey from Roasty Coffee looked at how much Americans are spending on coffee during the pandemic. They found that Americans spend $11 on average on coffee during a given week. Americans are willing to spend more ($5) on a good cup of coffee. The survey found that 61% of Americans felt that their at-home coffee consumption has increased sine the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Listed below are the top reasons why Americans have increased their coffee consumption during the pandemic: 

1. Tired/lack of energy (49%) 
2. Taking more coffee breaks (41%) 
3. Waking up earlier (37%) 
4. Spending more time at home (34%) 
5. Helps with my mental health (34%) 
6. Have not been sleeping well (24%) 
7. Helps to reduce food cravings (17%) 
8. No particular reason (4%) 

Coffee pandemic purchases 

The survey from Americans said that their online coffee purchased have increased by 54% during the COVID-19 pandemic. Listed below are the coffee products that Americans purchased the most over the past year: 

1. Coffee machine (71%) 
2. New coffee mugs (43%) 
3. Grinder (32%) 
4. Milk frother (28%) 
5. Coffee storage container (21%) 
6. Chemex (16%) 
7. Flavored syrups (15%) 
8. Kitchen scale (13%) 

Americans have also bought more coffee subscription serves over the last year with over 33% of respondents reporting having subscribed to a coffee subscription service during the last year.

New survey shows American’s coffee consumption habits

Infographic by: roastycoffee

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