High-quality childcare services have always been extremely important in Australia. As the infographic shows, more than 1.3 million Australian children and over 986K families currently attend childcare services.
Because of the increased demand for these services, the call for well-qualified and experienced professions is also there. A lot of people confuse childcare with babysitting however, in reality, childcare service is way beyond just babysitting.
Where babysitting is just taking care of a child for a few hours, childcare service provides children with extensive care, attention and helps them develop with full potential to reach their milestones.
On average, an individual Australian child spends around 24 hours in a childcare center each week. These centers hold the responsibility of helping children with a healthy lifestyle and development, give them a playful and friendly environment and also thrive them even when they are away from their homes.
Since childcare services are pretty essential in the country, there are two different types of services including, formal and informal. Both the types are different on the basis of hours given, price, and age of the children.
To know more about it, give the infographic below a detailed insight.